086-0622280 b.harty@hotmail.com
Family Constellation Therapy
The technique of a Family Constellation session is simple. Someone who wants to examine their family dynamic is brought together with a group of people from whom they select individuals to represent different family members including one to represent themselves. This work can also be done as an individual session and here the Facilitator uses cushions or other symbols to represent the position of Family members. Then the Facilitator helps the client to feel and understand what this picture reveals. There are many possibilities of working in this way. What we have is a picture of a family a configuration that expresses something about the degree of intimacy, pain, love, or sense of abandonment, each family member feels in relation to each other. Those who participate as stand – ins representing family members do not need to have any previous experience. By participating in a constellation for someone else or just being part of the group, you also experience healing as it extends beyond the person constellated and their family system. The function of the therapist is to understand the root of the problem that is being brought to light by this configuration of the client’s family system. The therapist then can initiate a movement towards resolution. After the constellation having understood something from within the family dynamic in relation to certain worries, problems or tensions, the client may feel motivated to change aspects of their life.
They may have certain family conflicts brought dramatically to their attention, may have a new understanding of them and as a result be aware of the right action to take. It’s the depth of the revelation that initiates change. Love can flow more freely when the orders of love are respected. In other words, you find yourself coming out of old fixed beliefs and ideas about yourself, feeling more natural and authentic and then bigger forces of life move you onwards. Inner growth is a natural happening. Many clients report achieving significant insight and clarity through constellation work. Even when an issue is not fully resolved by the constellation process the client who presented the issue may still achieve insight into the issue for which they are seeking help. This alternative approach may help people seeking treatment view their concerns from a different perspective. What one generation tries to forget another is forced to remember. That which is unacknowledged tends to repeat itself.
086-0622280 b.harty@hotmail.com